How can I help you?
I craft visually stunning and memorable products for the web, with a focus on usability, accesibility, and mobile friendly design. I specialize in Web Design and Web App Development, Design and Video Marketing. As a multi-faceted creative professional, I'm a constant student, but these areas have been my focus for almost 15 years.
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What do I do?
I enjoy solving problems and creating new ways for businesses to market themselves in a more efficient manner, with creative branding that will peak the interest of their target audience, while giving a satisfying experience.
Featured Project
B2B Sales & Social App
This was a large project that entailed re-writing and modernizing a B2B extranet that seemed to have every feature under the sun thrown at it when it was written in 2012. It was originally written with Webforms and Ext JS by someone else, and both have been defunct for quite some time. This was re-written using the existing database, and turned into SPA architecture, rather than server-rendered.